
Work Safe

Work with Roof Edge Protection

Roof Edge Access Platform

Our roof edge access platform system is designed for a 1000m wide, continuous perimeter access platform and is suitable for all types of roof and roof edge work where easy access, safety and security are vital.

Simple and effective in its construction, our system uses anchor bolts to fix brackets to the wall. ‘A’ frames are then bolted to the brackets, these in turn support light-weight stagings. Handrail posts are fixed to the ‘A’ frames, tubular handrails are attached and the toe boards fixed in place.

Our system is installed using m.e.w.p and is used for access and very light duty with a loading of 0.75kn per sq.m.

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Roof Access Platform


To get a quote for any of our services contact Katrina at [email protected]

107 Dalsetter Avenue
G15 8TE

Tel: 0141 944 2625

Email: [email protected]

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